The story behind the name . . .
This is an exciting time as I launch my blog, one component of my business. It has been a long time in the making with lots of thoughts, dreams, and ideas but the time is here, so welcome!
What motivates me each day is my passion for leadership, which instills a drive in me to make a difference. By providing proven principles and resources from my professional experience and academic training, I strive to enable individuals to make confident, informed decisions impacting the viability of their lives, their business, and their community.
Next was coming up with a name for my business: I choose LEADER Consulting for two reasons:
Obviously, leader is the source of the word leadership, and the goal behind leadership development is building skill sets in individuals to learn and practice to be the best leader they can be to serve in their professional and personal lives. Leaders – Lead. LEADER Consulting will guide you, your business or organization through the important steps of becoming confident in leading and serving as a leader.
My dad, Bob Gordon, sister Lois McRae, and the bull that changed my Dad’s life “LEADER 21st”